17 Engines 178 Manufacturers.
Hot Bulb and Cude Oil Engines

Stationary Engine Literature

Books and other literature about stationary hot bulb and crude oil engines.

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American Gasoline Engines Since 1872

By C. H. Wendel (Author) - ISBN-10: 0912612223
American Gasoline Engines Since 1872
The only comprehensive book available on a fascinating subject is fully illustrated and includes a comprehensive listing of all known U.S. and Canadian manufacturers of stationary and marine engines dating back to the late 19th century. A section of cross references matches the manufacturers to their wares. Find your copy of American Gasoline Engines Since 1872 on Amazon.

The A-Z Of British Stationary Engines

By Patrick Knight (Author) - ISBN-10: 1873098375
The A-Z Of British Stationary Engines
This book is a substantial soft back with 122 pages packed full of information and pictures of all British stationary engines ranging from manufacturers names beginning letters A to K, see volume two for L to Z. Find your copy of The A-Z of British Stationary Engines on eBay.

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