17 Engines 178 Manufacturers.
Hot Bulb and Cude Oil Engines

Engine Museums

Enjoy old vintage stationary engines and more, by visit a engine museum.

Stationary Engine Museums

Sweden | Denmark | United Kingdom (UK) | USA | Australia

Museums in Sweden

Rubens Maskinhistoriska Samlingar i Götene

One of the largest collectors in Sweden. Give them a call before visiting.

Contact Information

Rubens Maskinhistoriska Samlingar
533 91 Götene

Phone: +46 511 505 35

Forsviks Bruksmuseeum i Forsvik

Engine manufacturer with a history reaching back over 600 year. The museum also includes the old ironworks environment.

Contact Information

Forsviks Bruk
Bruksvägen 2
546 73 Forsvik

Phone: +46 10 441 436 5

Målilla Mekanisk Verkstad Motormuseum

Experience this engine manufacturer where it all started, in the small town of Målilla in southern Sweden.

Contact Information

Målilla Hembygdsförening
Hultsfredsvägen 22
570 82 Målilla

Phone: +46 706 54 92 56 or 0495-202 60

Munktellmuseet i Eskilstuna

One of Swedens most ancient mechanical companies. A big museum with a lot of engines and tractors. Well suited for childrenn. They are even allowed to climb on the old tractors. Located in central Eskilstuna.

Contact Information

633 43 Eskilstuna

Phone: +46 16 541 60 79

Pythagoras i Norrtälje

When this workshop ended their manufacturing, they just left the workshop as it was, and it just stood there for many many years. Everything was left, even the machinery. This is as close to time travel as you can get. Well worth a visit.

Contact Information

Motorfabriken Pythagoras Industrimuseum
Verkstadsgatan 6
761 43 Norrtälje

Bookins and information about the museum:
Telefon: +46 17 610 050

Museums in Denmark

Dansk Motor- og Maskinsamlingsamling

One of Europe's most comprehensive engine museums. Not only engines made in Denmark, but also engines from all around the world.

Contact Information

Dansk Motor- og Maskinsamlingsamling
Kristiansmindevej 14
8500 Grenå

Booking and information about the museum:
Phone: +45 293 751 06

Museums in the United Kingdom

Anson Engine Museum

Huge collection of engines in the UK. A award winning museum, well worth a visit.

Contact Information

Anson Engine Museum
Anson Road
Poynton, Cheshire

Booking and information about the museum:
Phone: +44 1625 874 426

Museums in the United States

Coolspring Power Museum

Coolspring Power Museum includes hundreds of stationary engines housed in more than 35 buildings.

Contact Information

Coolspring Power Museum
Pennsylvania 15730

Booking and information about the museum:
Phone: +1 814 849 6883

Museums in Australia

The Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum

The The Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum houses a unique collection of vintage steam and internal combustion agricultural and industrial engines like stationary kerosene engines, crude oil engines and hot bulb engines.

Contact Information

The Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum
N.S.W, 2560

Booking and information about the museum:
Phone: +61 417 215 513

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