17 Engines 178 Manufacturers.
Hot Bulb and Cude Oil Engines

AB Calmoverken - Målilla, Sweden

Manufacturer Name AB Calmoverken
City Målilla
Country Sweden
Years Active 1944-1958

About AB Calmoverken

AB. Calmoverken, Målilla station. Mechanical workshop and foundry in Målilla (Kalmar l.). Manufacturer of crude oil and diesel engines, sawmill machinery, compressors and fans. Telegr. addr. o. phone: Calmoverken, Målilla station. Postal order: 6066. Act.-chap.: SEK 110,000. Number of industrial jobs: 25 - Additional value per year: SEK 390,000. — The company established 1907, company 1937 under the name AB. Target Mech. Workshop, current name 1944. Board: disp. Erik Alm (president), workshop manager Axel Alm, disp. Gustaf Alm. workshop dir.: Erik Alm. Workshop manager: Axel Alm.

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